How To Pure Clay Mask In 5 Easy Steps

Want a smooth and hydrated complexion? By adding a weekly clay mask to your skincare routine It helps to cleanse and add moisture without leaving an oily residue. Here's how it's done!
Step One: Cleanse Your Skin

Thoroughly cleanse skin to remove any build-up of dirt, oils or makeup. This allows the mask to penetrate deep into your pores and really work its magic.

Step Two: Apply An Even Layer

Use clean fingers or a brush to apply a thin, even layer. Less is more with a clay mask- a thick layer takes longer to dry and any product that doesn’t touch your skin is a waste!

Step Three: Sit Back & Relax

Sit back and relax for 10-15 minutes while your mask gets to work. Why not go all-out on your pamper session and use this time to apply a hair mask or paint your nails?

Step Four: Rinse & Pat Dry

Once your mask has set and dried, wet a clean face washer with lukewarm water and rub away the clay in small, circular motions. Repeat until all mask is removed. Next, reach for a clean towel and lightly pat your skin until dry.

Step Five: Moisturise

Once you’ve rinsed and dried, your skin will be feeling ahhh-mazingly soft and rejuvenated! Follow up with a lightweight moisturiser to lock in the goodness.
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