In Support of Movember
Men’s health affects all of us – not just our brothers, dads, grandpas and best mates, but also those who love us. After a particularly challenging year, it’s never been more important to raise awareness and start important conversations with the men in our lives. We know that men experiencing social isolation and loneliness are at greater risk of anxiety, depression and even suicide, and when we stay silent on these issues, the men in our lives die too young. That’s why L’Oréal Men Expert is partnered with Movember, the leading charity changing the future of men’s health.
Men’s statistics need improving. Around the world, men die on average six years younger than women – often for reasons that are totally preventable. This isn’t good enough, and together with Movember we’re committed to raise awareness and help men live happier, healthier and longer lives.
Opening up space for a conversation is often the most powerful thing you can do. By connecting with the men in your life, real change can come, and we’re committed to seeing that happen. Read on to found out how to make a difference and get involved.